While there is no such thing as a fountain of youth, there certainly are things that you can do to keep yourself looking youthful and healthy for as long as possible. Delicious ways to stop the aging clock is to eat high antioxidant fruit that can keep your skin feeling firm, clear and young, and your body filled with some Read More
When Frank Sinatra recorded the lyrics of “I did in my way” in 1968”, he would never know what a profound impact the title of this song would have on my life. Read More
Most of us look outside ourselves for that quick fix. We try to heal ourselves by reading a self help books, shed 10 or 20 pounds with a fad diet and tend to let people see a false side that is really not who we are at this time in our life. Read More
For many, our human conditioning has automatically programmed us to see and feel the worst part of ourselves. Ultimately leading to a very critical and unhappy self-image. Read More