Nutrition info

Defined as “a structured process-driven relationship between a trained professional coach and an individual or team which includes: assessment, examining values and motivation, setting measurable goals, defining focused action plans and using validated behavioral change tools and techniques to assist them to develop competencies and remove blocks to achieve valuable and sustainable changes in a persons professional and personal life.

Our goal is to help individuals develop internal and external structures that help them achieve success, and increase their potential by expanding their sense of “what is possible”. In the coaching process coaches are seen as collaborators that work with the individual by tackling obstacles such as time management, organization, problem solving and navigating through the learning curve by using support, encouragement, teaching skills and goal setting. Coaching is about “discovery, awareness and choice” and a valuable add on segment to a FearlessFlame Empowerment Workshop.

FearlessFlame & Ignitus coaching are designed to empower you with discipline and focus to achieve the results you are looking for in all areas of your life.

Our Discipline – The first step will be for you and your coach to truly define with clarity the results you are committed to achieving and the discipline you are willing to put behind it!

Our Focus – where you are right now and where do you want to be – and what’s in between. Your Ignitus coach will help you to identify the things that are keeping you from achieving the results you desire – and then work with you to create a realistic plan. Your coaching journey will take you down a new path, one of adventure, one of mystery, one of excitement….and remember it’s not about the end result…it’s about the path it takes to get their.

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Coaching Programs will ignite and provide the following benefits:

  • Intelligent action to aid employees to achieve goals both personally and professionally.
  • Empower employees by holding them accountable to the commitments they make.
  • Continued evaluation of current limiting beliefs and their impact at work and in life
  • Continued challenging and re-framing of limiting beliefs toward empowered beliefs
  • Support in anchoring new perceptions looking at thought patterns, language and actions
  • Accountability strategies in order to enhance effectiveness in follow through of intentions over time
  • Personal self-management techniques to sustain energy for work-life harmony

DEFINE A UNIQUE VISION and imagine a life rich with success, achievement, vitality, heartfelt personal and profession relationships, and a deep sense of spiritual fulfillment. Experience one-on-one or team coaching designed to meet your needs and help you establish your specific professional and personal company goals.

*can be tailored to your needs. FearlessFlame Workshop is compulsory.

A) Fearless Flame Workshop + Ignitus Individual Coaching:

  • FearlessFlame 1 Day workshop (compulsory)
  • 3 hours of coaching per week for 3 months (36 hours total)*
  • 6 laser coaching sessions with up to 6 individuals** per week (30 minutes each)
  • Access to e-mail support for sign-ups over term
  • Tools, templates and workbook provided in pdf format

In-house or tele-conference coaching available in Montreal.

B) FearlessFlame Workshop + Ignitus Group / Team Coaching:

  •   FearlessFlame 1 day workshop (compulsory)
  • 8 weeks: 60-90 minute “lunch ‘n’ learn” coaching sessions-12 people maximum
  • Access to e-mail support throughout term
  • tools, templates and workbook provided in pdf format

Email us: [email protected]
or call your FearlessFlame representative 514-953-8287 for more information