Fear Facts
How did Nancy Chernoff become involved in firewalking?
In 1995 empowerment coach Anthony Robbins one of Nancy’s mentors led a firewalk that she attended with her colleagues. 10 years later while working at the Omega Teen Camp in Holmes New York she had the opportunity to walk the fire again. Not once, but twice these powerful experiences led to significant life changes which then led Nancy to the mother of firewalking Peggy Dylan and her team at Sundoor Transpersonal Education in California. In 2005 Nancy became a certified firewalking instructor and has adapted this work into FearlessFlame empowerment workshops.
Why do people firewalk?
Firewalking is one of the oldest human rituals on the planet. In every culture around the world people have used firewalking as a means of healing and purifying which has proven to be an incredible tool for modern humans to use. As children one of the first lessons we learn is that fire burns. For many of us this lesson goes in very deeply, and includes not only the sting of physical fire, but translates into a fear of the fire of our own passion, desire, and dreams. In general, people choose to walk on fire to overcome fear and beliefs that limit their lives. Change always happens when we break old patterns or beliefs. ‘Fire burns,’ is a tremendous example of a limiting belief. Once we break a pattern a new world of possibilities become true” If I can walk on fire, what else can I do that I was told was impossible.”
How hot are the coals?
The coals can range from 800 to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. The type of wood that is used in each country, state or province is different because of the type of trees. In Canada we use pine that is considered a low to medium hot wood so the temperature would range from 800- 1000 degrees. But please remember…the seminar is not about actually touching live red-hot coals. The seminar focuses on listening to ourselves and deciding what is best for us at that moment. There is no pressure to walk on fire, in fact healing occurs whether you actually walk or not. Just the mire fact of showing up is already intent to make changes in your life
Will I get hurt from walking on Fire or Arrow Breaking?
Personally, I’ve walked the fire over 108 times and only received 1 small “fire kiss.” I have also done the arrow break exercise over 100 times with complete success and safety. The idea behind these modalities is not to focus on the idea of getting hurt, but the idea of becoming empowered. Accomplishing something that people say is impossible is so utterly amazing and to the contrary it feels great! The work we do is set up in a safe environment with instructors who are certified and understand what they are teaching.
Who’s fear is it anyway?
I’ve been to workshops where people are afraid of so many things but make the intention to take these fears and turn them into power. Sometimes people who are unable to face fear try to stop others from facing theirs. That’s why it is so important to check in with yourself to really understand if the fear you are feeling is really yours or someone else’s.
What do the experts say about this type of empowerment work?
Experts say that if we generate enough “CHI” (energy) and take this chi and focus with intent on our desired result, not only will we see external results manifest, but we will experience extreme feelings of inner peace and joy.
Why would I want to walk on fire?
This is our favorite frequently asked firewalk question. There are as many answers to this question as there are people who have already walked on fire which totals millions in North America and Europe since 1982. People walk for all sorts of reasons. A firefighter once said he wanted to know what the trick was. Others want to re-energize their spiritual practice. In general people choose to walk on fire to overcome fear and beliefs that limit their lives.
Do I have to walk on the coals?
No! We cannot stress enough, the seminar is not about actually touching live red-hot coals. The seminar focuses on listening to ourselves and deciding what is best for us at that moment. Although, on the surface, firewalking may sound like yet another extreme sport, our seminar is not. In fact, not only is there no pressure to walk on fire, we do not bother to ask who did and who did not walk on fire. Our goal is to get as many people to the seminar as possible, and your experience will be the same whether you walk or not.